Critic: Dragona Zoric
Sited: Grandma's House 
In 1962, my grandfather built a house for my grandmother, Guite. This house is where my grandma raised my mother and her two sisters. This house is where we gather yearly to celebrate Christmas as a family. This house now is where all my grandmother’s memories reside. The idea of memory and family is what makes a house a home. This project is my design for the after—how a house lives on when it is occupied by a new family. 
On a Hill - At the Edge of the Forest
Located on a hill, the property is linked to the pasture behind. The house extends towards the land, perpendicularly cutting the hill. 
Site Map: Vaudricourt 
Located in a commune in the Pas-de-Calais department in the Hauts-de-France. The village was created post-WW2. In general, the geography of Calais consists of wavy, fertile hills divided into fields. The present house exists on a steep slope. Part of the foundation is embedded in the hill. 
Rez de Chaussée/ Ground Floor 
Premier Etage/ Second Floor 
The plan's fractured nature intends to mimic that of a divided field. The triangular impressions intentionally subtract from the interior space to permeate the exterior from within. 
Front - North Elevation 
Back - South Elevation
Site Model
VERSION I - midterm model
Interior Views
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